Solo Moonstone Report Leshavult v Humans

Here’s a mini-battle report of a solo game, inspired by a Facebook thread a few weeks back about solo gaming. Plus I wanted to try out a newly-painted Fritz and Kavanagh- and use Black Comedy on the Revenant to restore him to full health.

Humans: Fritz, Agatha, Flintlock, Friar Flavius and Kaufmann.

Leshavult: Zorya, Danica, Kavanagh, the Revenant and Loubard. 

Turn 1

The Revenant surges ahead for the moonstones. Flintlock and Natty shoot, but to no effect.

But now something awesome happens: Agatha pulls Fritz forward with an enticing offer and Kaufmann tempts Danica and Kavanagh with an even more enticing shower of gold. This allows Fritz to activate and dispatch Danica and Kavanagh in the first turn!

Turn 2

Daniel gives Loubard energy with which to exact revenge, but Fritz steps in before Loubard can activate Righteous Fury. Fritz regrets it instantly, playing 2 rising attacks against 2 Falling Swings. He deals 5 damage but suffers 8. He tries again and Loubard finishes him off, but the giant finds himself reduced to 2 wounds.

The Revenant lumbers forward to block Flintlock’s line of sight to Loubard and - conveniently enough - prevent the humans from harvesting a moonstone. But no one is reckoning on Natty, who steps in an finishes off Loubard with two shots from her slingshot.

The Leshavult are now 3 characters down to one, but are not to be dissuaded. Zorya heads towards Kaufman, picking up the moonstone that Kavanagh dropped and contesting the one in front of Kaufmann. Kaufman tries to tempt her with an generous offer, but fails.

Daniel restores four of the Revenant’s wounds, thanks to an unsuccessful call of bluff. Agatha entices the Revenant away from the moonstone, enabling Friar Flavius to grab it and run off.

Turn 3

Flintlock targets Brother Daniel and manages to take him out. The Leshavult are left now with only the Revenant and Zorya.

The Revenant tries to take on Agatha, using the extra energy given to him by the dearly-departed Daniel, but fails to make a mark.

In a last-ditch effort, Zorya uses Violent Impulses to increase her damage-dealing ability by 3. She chases after Kaufman, who steps away gingerly. 

The Leshavult realises that with only 2 characters against 4, the night is lost. Humans win 5 moonstones to 1.


1) Fritz is deadly.

2) For Kavanagh to use Black Comedy on the Revenant, he needs to be alive and set up vaguely near him.

3) The Leshavult are not the best choice for a solo game. All that arcane deck manipulation gets you little advantage against yourself!


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